about me

My name is Shelby or "sherbot," which I named my computer soon after I built it. I created this website to display projects that I am working on and to bring together other individuals to create together!

My projects include:

- software engineering
blog (free-form writing)
- collage paper craft
- digital artwork / graphic design
-  illustration
- painting (acrylic, watercolor)
-  writing (creative, technical, song)
- sound-making (singing, guitar,  mandolin, aux percussion)
my music !
Please contact me if  you would like to commission a piece or schedule a reading.

I have over 10 years of experience with mysticism and information on that craft can be found on the esoteric page. This includes astrology, numerology, and tarot.

Thank you for reading and looking at my work.
Please contact me for more information!